
What You Should Know About Proof of Keys Event (Jan. 3rd)

Proof of Keys is an event that is held on January 3rd each year to promote financial sovereignty and to raise awareness about the importance of self-custody of cryptocurrencies. It was started by Trace Mayer, a Bitcoin investor and entrepreneur, as a way to encourage cryptocurrency users to take control of their own money and not to rely on third parties for custody of their funds.

The event is simple; cryptocurrency users are encouraged to withdraw their crypto from third-party services such as exchanges, and instead store them securely in a private wallet. This helps to ensure that the user maintains full control of their funds and eliminates the risk of the exchange being hacked or their funds being stolen.

Proof of Keys is a great way to help promote financial security and to raise awareness about the importance of self-custody of cryptocurrencies. To learn more about the event and how to participate, be sure to check out Trace Mayer’s website at

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